Document 2048 DOCN M94A2048 TI Current cutting-edge HIV treatment information dissemination through the town meeting forum. DT 9412 AU Thomas JW; Project Inform, San Francisco, CA 94103. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):393 (abstract no. PD0181). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370527 AB OBJECTIVE: Current HIV treatment information is available to a small group of individuals. The Project Inform Town Meeting is a model for the dissemination of treatment information to ever increasing numbers of people. METHODS: Project Inform utilizes both slides and overheads in the presentation of information. The Town Meeting speaker is trained for the presentation of a fixed program. The program is constantly updated by treatment information specialists within the Project Inform organization. The Town Meetings sites are chosen by HIV prevalence demographics and population cores. RESULTS: The Project Inform Town Meeting is a successful means of distributing current cutting-edge treatment information. One measure of this success is the number of phone calls for additional information our hotline receives after a Town Meeting. A continued increase in the use of Project Inform's hotline and requests for written information is demonstrative of the success of the Town Meeting model. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The Project Inform Town Meeting is a model for the delivery of HIV treatment information to large audiences. The Town Meeting model can be translated to audiences with multicultural backgrounds. Project Inform is dedicated to the continuation and strengthening of the Town Meeting model. DE California Diffusion of Innovation Hotlines Human HIV Infections/*THERAPY *Information Services Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice *Patient Education Social Environment MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).